Forestry Developments in the UK

 Forestry resources on the increase in the UK

When it comes to forestry, the UK has been under the curse of deforestation for many centuries. As such, climate change and other problems really rose to the fore over the last one hundred years or so.

However, the climate of antipathy towards renewable resources has changed over recent years, and the commitment to sustainable forestry has gained momentum.

So, what has the change of attitude done to the levels of forestry in the UK? Stay tuned to our blog to examine this subject in detail over a series of articles.


Of course, the types of forests that can be found right through the UK are very diverse. Whilst not having the diversity of a subtropical, tropical, or even warm temperate region especially when it comes to numbers of species per hectare, acre, or square mile....the British forests are still very diverse, mainly according to climatic zones.

The South East of England, for example, has generally warmer, drier summers, given their shelter from moist South Westerly windows. Whereas, the kind of tougher Pine and other forests found on West facing coasts of Scotland et al, are hardened to both wind, rain, and cold.

As such, it is impossible to categorise English forests under a single label, however since they are categorised according to climatic zones, they generally fall under the labels of cool temperate forests or alpine forests.

Scotland Forests - Cool temperate

The other great benefit of the forests in the UK is that they are home to many species that are simply not found in other areas of the world.

This blog will examine these and how efforts to restore them continue, and are intensifying over the last few years especially. Thanks to our friends at UK business directory for providing the resources for this blog.
